Brighton Marine

Tenant Electronic Handbook


On behalf of Brighton Marine, our staff would like to personally welcome you and your associates to campus. 

This handbook serves as a convenient resource to answer frequently asked questions about Brighton Marine’s operations, rules and regulations. It also contains necessary links that are frequently utilized.

To learn more about Brighton Marine we invite you to visit our website at


Effective: June 1, 2018


Brighton Marine is committed to providing safe and healthy environments. Tobacco use is a major cause of preventable disease and death. Smoking, tobacco use, and exposure to second-hand smoke have been found to cause heart disease, cancer, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. Electronic delivery devices, commonly referred to as electronic cigarettes, closely resemble and purposefully mimic the act of smoking. They produce an aerosol of undetermined and potentially harmful substances and typically contain nicotine derived from tobacco, which is a highly addictive substance. Their use in locations where smoking is prohibited creates concern and confusion and makes policy enforcement more difficult.

Brighton Marine believes the use of tobacco products, including electronic delivery devices, on its property is detrimental to the health and safety of its tenants, visitors, and patients.


“All times” means 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“Electronic Delivery Devices” means any product that can be used by a person to deliver nicotine, lobelia, or any other substance through inhalation of aerosol or vapor from the product. The term includes, but is not limited to, devices manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as e‐cigarettes, e‐cigars, e‐pipes, or under any other product name or descriptor. 

“Property” means all facilities, grounds, and property (including vehicles) owned, leased, rented, contracted, used, or controlled by Brighton Marine. 

“Smoking” means inhaling or exhaling smoke from any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other tobacco or plant product, or inhaling or exhaling aerosol or vapor from any electronic delivery device. Smoking includes being in possession of a lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, or an electronic delivery device that is turned on or otherwise activated. 

“Staff” means any person employed by Brighton Marine or its Tenants in a full‐ or part‐time capacity, or any position contracted for or otherwise creating a work relationship, with direct or indirect monetary wages or profits paid by Brighton Marine or its Tenants, or any person working on a volunteer basis. The term includes, but is not limited to, elected and appointed officials, personnel, contractors, consultants, and vendors. 

“Tobacco Products” means any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means. 

“Tobacco Use” means the act of smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco, or the use of any other tobacco product in any form.

“Visitor” means any person who is not Brighton Marine or its Tenants staff.


The sale and use of tobacco products and electronic delivery devices is prohibited at all times in or on all property Brighton Marine has the authority to control regardless of location.   There are no areas designated for tobacco use on Brighton Marine property.  


This policy applies to everyone including all patients, visitors, tenants, and staff of Brighton Marine. This policy also applies to private vehicles parked on Brighton Marine parking lots.

Organizers and attendees at public or private events on Brighton Marine property are required to abide by this policy. Event organizers are also responsible for communicating and enforcing this policy.


Brighton Marine encourages those ready to quit to contact their healthcare provider or visit the following websites:

You may also telephone the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention program.

TTY: 1-800-833-1477 Spanish: 1-800-833-5256

This is a confidential counseling support resource. Your health plan may also have a telephone based counseling benefit.


The success of this policy depends on the consideration and cooperation of both tobacco‐users and non‐ users. Enforcement is a shared responsibility of all staff. Individuals acting in violation of this policy will be reminded and asked to comply. Staff found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. Visitors who violate this policy may be asked to leave the property. 


This policy will be periodically assessed for effectiveness and revised accordingly.  


This policy shall take effect in full on June 1, 2018.

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